Population and migration - Statistical Data - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Melawi Regency

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Indikator Strategis Kabupaten Melawi 2023 : Jumlah Penduduk 239.502 jiwa | Persentase Penduduk Miskin 11,12% | PDRB Harga Berlaku 6.644,40 Miliar Rupiah | Laju Pertumbuhan Ekonomi 4,56%

Statistics by Subject

Provides statistical tables and publications grouped into various CSA (Classification of Statistical Activities) subjects v1.1. Apart from that, the tables provided also include tables in Indonesian Statistics publications.


Population and migration

Population and migration – covers work in population and demographic statistics, topics like demography, vital statistics, population structures and growth, demographic projections, families and households (marriages, divorces, household size), migration, refugees and asylum seekers.



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